The World is Going Vested
Are you ready?
Companies That Have Gone Vested

Vested Five Rules
This course profiles case studies showing how leading companies are putting the Vested Five Rules into practice to create successful and even award-winning business partnerships.

Vested White Paper and Case Study Library
The Vested Library shares amazing stories of companies putting the Vested methodology to use. Discover how the Dept. of Energy and CH2M-Hill transformed a plutonium site to prairie land or how Water for People’s is redefining success for charities and more.
Applying Vested’s Five Rules has the power to change the game of outsourcing.

The journey to a truly collaborative agreement is practically guaranteed if you follow the step-by-step process of Vested.

We’ve had tremendous success in applying Vested thinking with strategic clients.

We have not had results like this anywhere else in the world.

Case Study

From Research to Relevance
This white paper highlights Vested top case studies, showcasing how organizations leverage Vested and Getting-to-We methodologies in multi-supplier settings to effectively manage a partner ecosystem. Beyond celebrating Vested’s successes, we delve into diverse organizational applications of these strategies.